How To Make Your Own “Natural Aspirin”

Survival is about keeping your family protected, well nourished and most of all healthy. During a major crisis, you will find out that many of the most common medicinal products will not be available. You could find yourself face to face with a serious disease or just a …

How To Make Alcohol At Home

Alcohol is probably the most common vice in the world. Made from fruits or cereals, it is available everywhere, but at a different price. A good survivalist prepares for the crisis by stocking large quantities of alcohol, even if he or she is not a consumer. This is because in dire times, this product can make for a hefty bartering currency.

Identifying Wild Mushrooms

Identifying Wild Mushrooms might not seem very exciting – until you know that mushrooms are extraordinary beings that provide us with many uses that adorn our favorite dishes, color our clothing, restore devastated lands and provide bountiful health benefits. Still, these

10 Incredible Off-Grid Uses For Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous earth (DE) is an all-natural chalky, soft powder formed from the microscopic fossilized remains of ancient single-celled animals, called diatoms. If you haven’t heard of diatomaceous earth and some of its amazing uses in and around your home, get ready to have one of those hand-against-your-forehead