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How To Survive After The Economy Dies. Photo – Pixabay (PD)
Bells are being rung, whistles are being blown, but they all fall on deaf ears. Our economy is slowly dying. Millions of Americans don’t even seem to notice the forthcoming new Great Depression. And many of those who notice it doesn’t even seem to care. The U.S. economy seems to be going to hell and fast, with a national debt of over $17.5 trillion and no backup plan or recovery strategies provided by the authorities. The signs are evident, and when the economy dies, so will the lifestyle we’ve been used to for so long. Things will gradually get worse and the “survival of the fittest” will come into play in no time.
Society is dehumanized, unable to keep its integrity and moral values for too long once confronted with drastic social changes; anarchy will slowly take over. But there’s still time to prepare. This is what you have to do in order to ensure your survival and the survival of those you hold dear.
Food will become the most valuable good after an economic collapse. It’ll become the ultimate achievable goal, the life source that will be sought after and maybe fought over to the death, in worst case scenarios. Most American families today wouldn’t be able to survive more than 3 weeks with the food they normally store in the house. And such families are the first to quickly the angry mobs that loot and pillage everything in sight in a desperate attempt to quench their hunger. Make sure you’re part o them. Always keep a fair amount of provisions inside. Canned foods are the best to have around the house, as they’ll last longest and in almost all sorts of conditions. Make a storage food room and make sure it’s always packed and ready.
You’ll go for weeks without food, but you’ll go for just a few days without water. Dehydration sets in pretty fast, leaving the body strained, powerless and leads to agonizing death. Best be prepared, because once the economy dies, so will the water supplier. At some point, the water from is bound to stop. Most Americans are not so lucky as to have a free and abundant source of water near their homes. Even if you have such a source, if the water is not fit for human consumption, harvesting it and boiling it would be both time and energy consuming. The best solution is to get water purifying system or purification tablets. They’re easy to use and might make all the difference in the world.
In such a scenario, your personal comfort will not rely anymore on radiators or air conditioning. These gadgets normally run on energy resources you most probably will not have. So stacking up on the right gear is the way to go! Get warm clothes, and if you live in a particularly cold environment, stack up on blankets as well. Hats are also important, as for some reason or another; you might find yourselves out in the cold. Hats can come very handy if you find yourself sleeping outside. But that’s not all, having the right footwear is imperative! The best thing to get your hands on is hiking boots. Sturdy and reliable, yet comfortable, they can make a great difference if you and your family should find yourselves forced to travel long distances by foot.
In case you’ll need to be going fast, each one of you will need a personal backpack. Backpacks are easy to carry around then suitcases or regular bags, as they’re easily strapped to the back, leaving you full use of your hands. Make sure your backpack is never overloaded (because it can snap and break at the worst time) and that you and your family carry only what’s absolutely necessary. Useless objects (sentimental value or not) do nothing but to burden and tire you.

Staying in touch and informed is more than necessary in this case. But the modern day commodities as cell phones and internet connected gadgets and gizmos will become useless one communication satellites cease to function.
And even with satellites running, power sources will become harder and harder to find. A small pocket radio it’s perfect for such an occasion.

But a battery powered one will only last as long as the batteries. But the solar-powered or “crank style” ones will definitely last longer and be of more use.
Whether your car runs on gasoline or diesel, will make no difference. Fuel will soon be a thing of the past. You should store some fuel at all times. When the worse comes, at least you’ll be able to make a quick getaway to wherever it is you’ll need to be going. It’ll be faster and more comfortable than going by foot!
Survival equipment
In order to make it in such a hostile environment, you’ll need to be “armed and ready”. There are a few items that can prove to be very useful and might even end up saving your lives. Make sure you have these in your home, and if you have to get going, don’t leave home without them! These are a must:
• the compass: it’s your GPS once you find yourself on the road in uncharted territory; handle it with care and make sure it’s functional before you use it, because a broken compass can lead you on the wrong path
• the Swiss army knife: this tool can be incredibly versatile; it has: bit driver, butane lighter, cap lifter, cleat wrench, fingernail clipper, hook, knife blade, micro-screwdriver, pliers, nail file and MANY MANY more
• the axe: carrying an axe around may serve many purposes from cutting firewood, clearing the way if going through thick vegetation or even as a self-defense weapon in case you’re being attacked
• the lighter: it’s your source of fire; it’s what gets the branches to keep you warm burning or your meals cooking; if you’re on the move, always keep the lighter away from humid environments and bring along a small canister of gas
• pepper spray: for some reason or another you may find yourself targeted by either wild animals or people that mean you harm; the pepper spray can prove very effective in both cases
• medical supplies: they’re of utmost importance; always make sure you have the right First Aid Kit and medical supplies in both your home or in your backpack; they’re the only protection you have against infections, which could prove fatal if left untreated

If you really want to have full knowledge about medical supplies when SHTF, then you need to visit Survival MD – Guide
Next video will show >>> Top 5 Best Swiss Army Knives
No matter what happens, no matter where we’re headed, one thing’s for sure: it won’t end pretty. When economy dies society will crumble. When it does, be ready!
This Crazy Off Grid Device Literally Makes Drinkable Water From Fresh Air:
According to NASA, the U.S. is expecting a 100-YEAR LONG MEGADROUGHT.
It's already begun. Ask the farmers in California. They know.
Every survivalist knows that water is of critical importance. You NEED an independent water source that you can count on!
As an interesting "survival rehearsal" - imagine that you turned the tap on right now and nothing came out. How long would you last?
But what if there was another water source literally hidden in plain sight. That's right, I'm talking about the atmosphere!
The amazing thing about getting water from the natural moisture in the air... is that it is ALWAYS available.
This gives you real water security!
Learn more about how to tap into "Nature's secret water reservoir" and stay hydrated when TSHTF!
Watch the video:
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After 47 years of studies and countless brain scans done on more than 2,400 tinnitus patients, scientists at the MIT Institute found that in a shocking 96% of cases, tinnitus was actually shrinking their brain cells.
As it turns out, tinnitus and brain health are strongly linked.
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Is because they are using something called "the wire method", a simple protocol inspired by a classified surgery on deaf people from the 1950s...
I Can't Help Showing This Off:
If you haven't heard of Claude Davis yet do yourself a huge favor and watch this video.
One of the smartest guys I ever had the pleasure of meeting, Claude set-up a unique prepping system that changed his life forever.
I already tried it myself and let me tell... you I was completely blown away... His surprising tactics could make your life easier and give you the peace of mind you deserve.
Don't just take my word for it... watch his short video and decide for yourself.
Most People Don't Have The Guts To Try This:
An amazing discovery in an abandoned house in Austin, Texas: A lost book of amazing survival knowledge, believed to have been long vanished to history, has been found in a dusty drawer in the house which belonged to a guy named Claude Davis.
Remember... back in those days, there was no electricity... no refrigerators... no law enforcement... and certainly no grocery store or supermarkets... Some of these exceptional skills are hundreds of years of old and they were learned the hard way by the early pioneers.
>> Click here to find out about them now
We've lost to history so much survival knowledge that we've become clueless compared to what our great grandfathers did or built on a daily basis to sustain their families.
Neighbors said that for the last couple of years Claude has tried to unearth and learn the forgotten ways of our great-grandparents and claimed to have found a secret of gargantuan proportions. A secret that he is about to reveal together with 3 old teachings that will change everything you think you know about preparedness:
>>> Click Here To Watch His Short Video <<<
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What REALLY Happens When You Bury a Shipping Container? (Hint: It's A Bit Crazy...)
Shipping containers are all the rage - but if you are thinking about buying one, you MUST watch this video first:
There's a general belief that if you bury a shipping container you can create an awesome root cellar / storm shelter / survival bunker.
But is a shipping container strong enough to handle the pressure?
Watch the video to see what happens:
What Really Happens When You Bury a Shipping Container? (Click To Watch Video)