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Have you noticed the sharp increase in food prices across the board lately? There’s a reason for it: Since 2010, the FAO have stated that the rise in food prices is directly correlated to the 80 million people being added to the world’s population annually. This fact, according to the globalists at the UN, is beginning to “tax both the skills of farmers and the limits of the earth’s land and water resources.”
The UN warns that global food stores like grains are depleting at an exponential rate and when combined with failing harvests, a food crisis could happen.
The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) explain that “we’ve not been producing as much as we are consuming. That is why stocks are being run down. Supplies are now very tight across the world and reserves are at a very low level, leaving no room for unexpected events next year.”
Added to this problem are the 3 million people who are “moving up the food chain” eating more than their share in gluttonous nations like the United States and China.
The World Bank issued a statement of concern last month for the coming food shortage due to the drought devastating the US and Europe. According to Jim Yong Kim, World Bank group president: “Food prices rose again sharply threatening the health and well-being of millions of people. Africa and the Middle East are particularly vulnerable, but so are people in other countries where the prices of grains have gone up abruptly.”
Corn yields in the US have succumbed to an infection known as Aspergillus flavus which causes a carcinogenic toxin to manifest and renders the corn unfit for human consumption. In Iowa, cattle ranchers have reported that their livestock that ate the corn have died due to “toxic nitrate doses”.
Nitrate is not toxic to animals; however, with the drought conditions causing a lack of access to water, the animals died due to complications. For humans, nitrate will cause blue baby syndrome and digestive tract cancers.
With an estimated 870 million people in the Middle East and Africa becoming malnourished, world environmentalists are saying that the global food supply system is heading toward collapse. Lester Brown, president of the Earth Policy Institute (EPI), asserts that our planet’s climate can no longer be trusted and that the demand for food from over-population is breaking the proverbial straw on the camel’s back. Brown says that “food shortages undermined earlier civilizations. We are on the same path. Each country is now fending for itself. The world is living one year to the next.”
Brown predicts that as “food supplies are tightening everywhere” and agricultural land is becoming a precious commodity, geopolitical perspective will shift from energy to necessity. He foretells of “armed aggression” focused on “food unrest”.
EPI is a foundation begun by Brown that focuses on influencing the global plan for an environmentally and economically sustainable world. Part of their goal is to coerce the media, social consciousness, lawmakers, and governments to adhere to their ideals and examples of how to demonstrate an ecological civilization.
Under the Obama administration, with the assistance of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) there is a palatable crisis being created because of mandates for ethanol production versus necessities for food.
The US investment in ethanol is a drain on the world’s food stores; which allocates massive amounts of food to the production of this plant-based fuel for cars instead of for human consumption.
In April, before the drought crisis in America began to take its toll on US corn crops, Purdue and Stanford published a study that predicted with precise accuracy that man-made climate change would affect corn yields to the extent that a rise in food prices would be inevitable. They obtained their funding from US Department of Energy’s Office of Science.
The study explains with eerie accuracy that due to man-made climate change “there could be quite a substantial increase in yield volatility, and that’s due to the increased frequency and intensity of the high temperatures throughout the Corn Belt.”
Confirmed eugenicists Bill and Melinda Gates have allocated $17.6 to the UN World Food Program (WFP) to “provide nutritious food and support small-scale farmers.” In the end, the Foundation will give $10 million to the WFP. Instead of giving the money to the people in need of food and provisions, the Gates Foundation will be granting not only the UN through WFP but also non-governmental organizations aligned with the UN such as Oxfam America, Mercy Corps, and the Catholic Relief Services.

At this year’s UN Earth Summit Rio+20, goals for sustainable development in Africa and Asia center on their population growth, water supplies, and food security. The sub-Saharan and northern regions of Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean and parts of Asia are of particular interest to the UN, as stated by UNICEF and the World Health Organization (WHO).
With the assistance of the UN, corporations have begun descending on Africa to aid in the securitization of their natural resources. Examples like an $11 million dollar project funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Cocoa-Cola Corporation are usurping 50,000 Kenyan and Ugandan smallholders to produce fruit for Minute Maid, a subsidiary for Cocoa-Cola.
“Africa is now the last frontier in terms of arable land,” said James Nyoro, the Rockefeller Foundation’s managing director for Africa. “With the population growing to 9 billion, the rest of the world will have to depend upon Africa to feed it.”
In February of this year, the Rights and Resources Initiative, a non-governmental organization was supportive of the UN’s massive land-grab in Africa which displaced an estimated 500 million citizens from the sub-Sahara as well as targeted 346 billion acres of farmland for the purpose of securitizing food production. The RRI denies their involvement, however, their purpose is to collect data on “forest rights” which assists in the success of a land-grab.
According to a 2011 report released by the International Land Coalition, there is a rush by global networks to acquire land in the sub-Saharan region of Africa by foreign corporations and governments which is causing environmental and agricultural devastation along the River Niger in Africa.
The report states: “The siphoning of water for huge areas of farmland will worsen the already low water levels of the Niger.” The outcome was a “50 percent diminution of the delta flood plain’s land area. Given that social conflict over resources between farmers and pastoralists has always been a feature of the Niger Basin, the Coalition suggests that large-scale irrigation could heighten tension between local and downstream water users.”
In 2007 – 2008, land grabs by NGOs, multi-national corporations, and international entities were a direct causation of the food crisis in developing nations by Saudi Arabia and South Korea.
President Barack Obama supports the UN’s land grab scheme with the installation of his $3 billion plan to securitize Africa’s food supply and agricultural farms. Obama wants to use Africa as a base for growing the world’s food supply, under his controlled initiatives.
By: Susanne Posel
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Oh, good grief! (give the government more money, huh?)