The Best Survival Flashlights That Money Can Buy

A very important piece in serious prepper’s survival kit is the flashlight. No one should go without one. If SHTF at some point or another,any old flashlight will do if survival flashlight is not in reach, but nothing can compete with a professional, state of the art lightning gadget

5 Of The Best Radios To Stay Connected In A Survival Situation

Believe it or not, no serious prepper should go without one of the best radios in his personal survival kit. And this is because when modern society fails and crumbles (and our means of communications will be amongst the first to go) or if you simply find yourself stranded, you’ll need

12 Home Essentials You Need For Survival

With so many daily work, family, and personal distractions, it’s no wonder so many of us remain unconcerned and unprepared for a potential disaster to strike. But they do strike often, all around the world, and assuming you and your family will be exempt could endanger your lives.

How To Survive A Permanent Power Outage

Even though most of us are familiar to short-term power outages and would easily make it without electricity for one or two days, most people don’t ever consider the possibilities of going their entire lives without the commodity of electrical power. And why would they? Power is plenty

The Growing Threat From An EMP Attack

Recent declassification of EMP studies by the U.S. government has begun to draw attention to this dire threat. Rogue nations such as North Korea (and possibly Iran) will soon match Russia and China and have the primary ingredients for an EMP attack: simple

Energy Saving Tips To Stay Warm And Save Money

So much for economic stability these days… The economic crisis is still going strong — no matter what politicians say in front of the camera — and we’re still struggling with hard times that force us to become self-sufficient and to keep our finances on track. But the good thing is