Turning Dangerous Water Safe

These are usually things we take for granted, imagine what a problem would be not to have them. Ideally, you should have a home with its own septic system and maybe a source of alternative energy, solar or wind. That will make you invulnerable to these kind of disasters. If you can’t have that, then maybe your relatives or friends do and you can stay with them.

15 Wonderful Uses For Witch Hazel

I discovered witch hazel in college. I was not exactly the owner of the clearest skin in Britain, and dabbing a little witch hazel extract on my blemished skin stopped me enduring a mountain of abuse. But there are way more uses for this shrub than clearing up spotty skin

10 Things To Stock Up On That No One Thinks About

Prepper always stock up on food, medical aids, water, weapons, and even have some kind of shelter set up just in case of an emergency. Let’s think about this a little bit more. What would really happen in an “end of the world” situation? Isn’t our mental health as much a priority as food, water, medicine, or even shelter?

9 Survival And Everyday Uses For Borax

Sodium tetraborate decahydrate. It may sound like a highly volatile, complicated, and dangerous chemical composition, but in reality it’s a natural mineral made of simple things like sodium and boron. Inexpensive and readily

17 Clever Food Storage Tricks

If you’re like most of us, building your food storage out can be a daunting proposition. Not only can it be costly, but it also requires figuring out what kind of food to store, when it needs to be rotated, how much to buy per person, and more.

Everyday Essentials: The Many Uses Of Soap

And because it’s so affordable, soap makes an excellent addition to any prepper’s stockpile. Here’s a look at just a few uses of soap in and around the house. Make sure to comment with any other ideas you’ve found for bar soaps.