Outdoor Cooking

Last week, we talked about the tools you’ll need to cook in emergency situations.
Now here I am with more information on survival cooking.
So let’s see what you need to cook delicious meals outdoors: The first thing you’ll need is a camp stove, a grill, or a camp fire

Burglary Reduction Month

However, the cases they could keep track of have increased in number by the year. In 2009, there was a 2% increase, compared to 2005. It may not seem like a big deal at first, but when you see the exact number of cases

15 Ways To Get MORE Money And Buy MORE Survival Food

If you wonder why 95% of Americans are unprepared for the coming crisis… well, it’s not all ignorance, I can tell you that. There are many fellow citizens that simply cannot afford building a solid stockpile. Sure, they have a dozen cans and a few bags of wheat, but that could only feed their family for a week or two. So how can you save more money to buy your loved ones their well-deserved salvation?

How To Rotate Your Food Stock For Maximum Freshness

As promised, this article is all about stock rotation strategies. Combined with a good item organization, rotation is the key to keeping your stockpile fresh and nutritious. And it’s actually quite easy, once you know the simplest rotation methods people have been using for years now.Here’s what you need to do: whenever you need something from your stock, you take the first item on the right. When you restock, you place the new item on the left and push the other

Food Stamp Diet: Eat Right And Get Fit!

Whether the anecdotal evidence above is indicative of a long-term trend or not, we can safely assume that during President Bush’s term, and more so under President Obama, Americans have become increasingly dependent on government assistance for food. If the Supreme Court upholding Obamacare left Americans with any doubts we are officially living in a debt-fueled social welfare state, the Obama Administration recently spent three million dollars to convince us we will all live healthier lives if we sign up for