The Amazing Truth About Medicinal Trees

If you ever had a headache, chances are that you run for the medicine box to grab an aspirin, the most used drug in the world. Before the aspirin came in a box, the pains could be treated if the man was near water, where he would try to find a White Willow and to chew it’s bark. Aspirin is a derivative from salicylic acid, that comes from

Survival MD: A Detailed Review

Recently, a new medical survival guide came across my radar and I decided to flip through it. Most of the guides of this sort don’t appeal to me much; they’re either so technical that I want to go to sleep after page 2, or they’re so simplified that there’s not much information that’s useful to me. This one, however, was a pleasant surprise.

15 Wonderful Uses For Witch Hazel

I discovered witch hazel in college. I was not exactly the owner of the clearest skin in Britain, and dabbing a little witch hazel extract on my blemished skin stopped me enduring a mountain of abuse. But there are way more uses for this shrub than clearing up spotty skin

Thick Toenails: 5 Causes And A Bunch Of Treatments

Several of my Facebook fans have asked what to do for their thick toenails. And to tell the truth, it’s not a trivial question. Thick toenails can be the starting point for bad bruises, infections, even gangrene.In a disaster situation, these problems could become more likely if you have to do a lot of walking or even just standing.

What Every Prepper Needs To Know About Hypothermia

Unless you live in the tropics, winter is likely to bring uncertain weather, including bone-chilling temperatures, severe winds, freezing rain and significant snowfall. Needless to say, such conditions are not much fun under the best of circumstances. If there is no power and no heat, the effects of winter are magnified, especially for