Cheap Breakfast For Surviving Hard Times

For only 10-cents per serving, you could enjoy a healthy and inexpensive breakfast, or any meal, with a cracked grain cereal mix. Here’s how…
9 Grain Cracked Cereal Mix
You may be affected by hard times, or you are simply looking for ways to be more frugal with your food

Top 10 Egg Laying Chickens

If you are looking to build a more self sufficient lifestyle, having several egg laying chickens is a great way to get a reliable supply of eggs – a great source of protein and nutrients. Chickens lay eggs all year long – with really productive hens laying more than 200 eggs

8 Things You Should Know Before Buying A Gas Mask

The driving plot behind some of our best-selling post-apocalyptic fiction novels in America is a looming reality for many people and nations in the world. As droves of Israeli citizens line up at the post office in Israel to pick up their government-issued gas masks, many of us can’t help but ask the depressing question

Communicating After Disaster: Systems And Devices

In any type of disaster, your normal means of communication will likely be limited or severed completely. This applies during a hurricane, earthquake, tornado, or other large-scale natural disaster. It also applies during a terrorist attack, EMP strike, or nuclear war scenario.

How To Protect Your Back And Joints While Lifting

All you survivalists out there have surely dealt with this kind of problems while prepping. Lifting and carrying all those supplies, tools, weapons and bug-out bags takes not only time, energy and all your willingness to do the right thing… but also a lot of sometimes painful effort, caused

The Survival Garden: Fundamentals

In this article, I’m going to discuss the fundamentals of gardening for self-sufficiency. Most folks are grossly unprepared to meet their family’s food needs in the case of an emergency. At the same time, many underestimate what is required to grow or raise enough food to feed their family. This article will explain what self-sufficient