Top 100 High ORAC Value Antioxidant Foods

Have a look at the following list of food and spices and consider making a conscious effort to obtain and consume more of them in your normal diet. Ones health is paramount to survival! The USDA recommends an ORAC unit ingestion of about 3000 to 5000 units daily.

21 Plants You Should Never Eat Or Touch

Well, knowing about poisonous or unsafe plants is just as important (or maybe even a little more). Some of them pose serious risks of injury, illness and even death to humans or animals. So it is only to our benefit to learn about them – how to identify these plants and test them

Paleo Foods For Surviving With Chronic Disease

I know that we preach this often, but we just can’t overstate it. Take.Care.Of.Yourself. That’s the best way to survive when SHTF. It doesn’t matter how old you are; if you’re healthy and not dependent upon medications, your chances of surviving disaster increase exponentially.

Four Common Foods That Can Turbocharge Your Health

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), three-fourths of healthcare spending in the United States is due to chronic disease, including cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Fortunately, the CDC has reported that these diseases are preventable.
A healthy diet

13 Foods That Fight Pain

While many foods taste great, they are also powerful healers in a vibrant multicolor disguise. The best healing remedies also taste fabulous (I can’t say that about any prescription medications). Plus, foods won’t cause the nasty common side effects that most drugs cause.

The Most Affordable Survival Superfoods

Again on the subject of survival food and superfoods. In my opinion, it’s one of the most crucial issues in any survivalist’s life. And you don’t even need to be passionate about preparedness to find it useful. After all, every

Premature Birth At Home During Disaster

A home birth is an option many women prefer: it allows them to go through an emotional and painful process in the safety and comfort of their own homes. However, not all home births are planned.In a SHTF scenario, it is possible for pregnant women to be unable to leave their

What Every Prepper Needs To Know About Hypothermia

Unless you live in the tropics, winter is likely to bring uncertain weather, including bone-chilling temperatures, severe winds, freezing rain and significant snowfall. Needless to say, such conditions are not much fun under the best of circumstances. If there is no power and no heat, the effects of winter are magnified, especially for