Bug Out Bag Or Go Bag Or Just BOB!

Your Bug Out Bag should be packed and ready, and easily accessible whenever you should need it. You may want to keep your Bug Out Bag in your car, or your designated “Bug Out” vehicle. Each family member should have their own Bug Out Bags stocked with the baseline

6 Strategies To Lighten Your Bug Out Bag

By this, I mean cut out everything that has to do with food except for 6 high calorie energy bars (I pack CLIF bars). The average human can survive for 3 weeks without food and still have no ill effects to the body. In fact, I read one time that the record human fast was 1 year. That makes eating less during a 72 hour Bug Out seem more than

4 Things To Consider Before Bugging Out

Get the family together and check out all this info about the important things you have to consider before bugging out. It should be a family project. All your loved ones need to know what the plan is for when SHTF. There’s a lot of stuff you need to think through properly.

Items You Should Never Pack In Your Bug-Out Bag

Probably every survivalist and prepper out there has at least one 72-hour BOB ready to grab on the way out when SHTF. Bug-out bags should be a part of any plan for disaster if you want you and your family safe. They can save your life in most survival situations, but ONLY if they’re prepared correctly. Unfortunately, many are the cases

5 Genius Ways To Shave Weight Off Your Bug-Out Bag

I’ve been trying to put together the perfect bug-out bag for a long time now. I kept taking things out and replaced them with lighter, smaller alternatives. Some of them ended up back in, because I realised they were better and safer, and my family’s safety comes first.

8 Teas You Must Pack In Your Bug-Out Bag

Taking the right types of tea with you when you bug out is much more important than you’d think. First of all, if you run out of filtered or bottled water, you can make tea with boiled water to make it taste better. Secondly, tea can help you prevent and even cure a lot of ailments

Challenging Bug Out Myths

Over the years I have read several blog posts, and statements in many different preparedness/survival forums about bugging out that I want to challenge today. I call them “myths” because, as I see it, they are just not true. The trouble with these myths is that the person saying them